Thursday, April 28, 2022

The End

 That was the Irate Gamer timeline.
As of this writing, IG is seemingly dead again. Perhaps for good.

Chris has done a few things outside of IG.
Pushing more Ghost Doctor, including symbols that rip-off the Green Lantern Emotional Spectrum, and his “classification of spirits” that sounds more like a bad TTRPG.

In November 2021, he published another book. It’s about the Sandusky Mall in his hometown.
It’s harmless. Nothing to say other than his marketing skills are still garbage (saying it covers the “scandals” when I couldn’t find anything about Sandusky Mall scandals).
But if he wants to focus more on this, that’s fine. Less likely he’ll run afoul of another community.

This year, there hasn’t been much.
On Facebook, he posted another rant about the gaming industry, adding them to his list of “people and groups that caused my channel to fail”. When he once again claimed he could write a book, his fans called his bluff and demanded to hear what he knew. He backed down hard, stating “it’s all in the past and God will punish them”. All the comments calling him out were deleted. Since then, he hasn’t brought it up. Not until he needs his remaining fans to fellate his ego.

He's also planning to remaster Season 4. The one that’s already HD. Feels like he’s purposely going out of his way not to make new IG content.

As I said at the beginning, I made the timeline for a couple purposes. To help content creators if they want to do a “Rise and Fall” video, and to give material to the lost media community. But there’s another reason, and I imagine some of you have figured it out.

I am done.
This time for good. Even if he comes back, I will not. Doing this is just boring now. His videos have no redeeming content to them, they’re just a slog. It’s clear he’s never going to improve his videos by this point.
So, I am done. Thank you everyone for reading.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I may not answer though.

I will leave comments open for a month. Afterwards, they are closing.

Once again, thank you everyone for reading my garbage writing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Irate Gamer Timeline Part 7: 2019-2021


At the start of the year, he claimed there would be “no reviews until Summer”. Of course, he still refused to bring up Puppet Steve.
He also said he can’t do “old style reviews” as the YouTube algorithm has changed. No further explanation.

He would post an angry rant on Facebook about Tessa Thompson being in Men in Black: International. Crying that it should be the “Men” in Black. Even though it was established in the first movie that women serve too. The third movie even revealed the person running the MIB is a woman. Seems a little misogynistic to me.

It did not help when I received an e-mail about a comment posted on CommonSenseMedia’s video. A woman stating that her fiancé used to be married to Chris’ current wife, Nicole. One day out in public, Nicole spotted her, ran up to her and slapped her. This led to Chris grabbing her by the shoulders and punching her in the face. Her fiancé did something that scared him so bad, he keeps a bat by the front door.
In another comment, she revealed she filed a police report.
How have we not paid more attention to this? It sounds like a big deal. How did I just sweep it under the rug?
Of course, like any story like this, take it with a grain of salt. But I doubt someone would make up a story like that about Bores in 2019. Long after his star faded.

He went to ToyFair again, and his editing had gotten sloppy. At one point he runs into Todd McFarlane, and Todd says into the camera “listen to Chris” and in a panicked whisper tells him “Puppet Steve! Puppet Steve! They know me as Puppet Steve!” Why Chris left that in the video I do not know. It’s still up too! One of the Fortnite videos.
He also recorded a video that ended up showing his face. He deleted it but it lives on at DailyMotion.
Interestingly, he acknowledged his work on Puppet Steve on an Irate Gamer social media page. Why now and not in 2016 I don’t know.

In April, he would announce the “Irate Gamer” would return in the Summer.
He showed on Puppet Steve that he bought a Switch. I’m sure that lead to all sorts of content on both channels. … Right?

Summer comes and goes, and no Irate Gamer. Around August he starts asking his fans about podcasts.

Also in August, he would angrily accuse Grant Wilson of plagiarism. Ironic, I know.
Claiming that Grant looking at the “emotional” side of a ghost is stealing what he does. Chris’ ego regarding his paranormal work was starting to spiral out of control.

Why did Chris bring up podcasts? Because he started one. Joined by his friend Tim Warner (remember him from the TMNT cereal video?), we got GeekTime: The Next Generation.

What was the original GeekTime? It was a feature on the Howard Stern Show hosted by Ralph Cirella. Basically, talking about all things nerdy, likely with the sardonic bend that Stern is known for. It was cancelled when Stern’s chief operator, Marci Turk, removed all non-Stern programming. This is going by old Reddit comments.
Chris decided to start the podcast because he felt current “geeky” podcasts weren’t good anymore, calling out Kevin Smith in particular. He was upset that he kept talking about his life-saving weight loss and not focusing on geeky stuff.

It was not good.
Neither Chris nor Tim have charisma, a helpful skill for talking nonstop for 2-3 hours. They kept interrupting themselves with sound clips like a shock jock.

The first big mistake was posting them on Podbean before YouTube.

The second big mistake was the preview clip he posted to YouTube. The podcast starts with an annoying 90 second theme song that lists off various “geek” stereotypes. I think it was from the original GeekTime since it sounds cynical and sarcastic (fitting for Stern). Chris included the entire thing in the preview. That song alone turned off a lot of his audience.

The third mistake was the next preview they posted. Where Chris declares the 2019 Joker movie sucks. Except he admits in the video he was only going by the trailers. In fact, neither of them had seen the movie. It was heavily disliked.

He would post several clips on YouTube, but people didn’t really care for them. Only one that got substantial views was a segment where the two talk about the Nostalgia Critic’s terrible review of Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

The other subject matter was either uninteresting or littered with ill-informed takes. Tim asking about the point of the PlayStation 5, Chris upset that Terry Bogard got into Smash Bros instead of Peter Pepper from BurgerTime, and a lot of basic takes on Star Wars and Marvel.

Eventually he posted the full episodes on YouTube, but by then, nobody cared. In fact, the first five were removed, leaving only the sixth and final episode. He even closed the Podbean page.
Though some episodes were preserved on the Internet Archive.

Over on Puppet Steve, he talked about Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. He was ill-equipped to talk about it, making mistakes like referring to Coco as Crash’s girlfriend. There was a gameplay segment at the end, however he did not record it. He stole it from YouTube creator MKFireAndIce. You can tell because in CTR:NF, your gamertag is always displayed.

His anger towards other ghost hunters would continue, ranting about Jason Hawes using the term “confused spirit”.

He would bring up watching HBO’s Watchmen, calling it so bad it made him want to ‘quit geekdom”. Calling it confusing and boring. But the actual reason likely lies deeper. Chris is the type that gets annoyed at media that “pushes their politics into everything”. Given the race-driven nature of HBO’x Watchmen, this likely set him off. Prior to the show’s premiere, he would mention on GeekTime that making the show’s villains white supremacists would “alienate white comic readers”. A line that says so much.

Around the end of 2019, the Federal Trade Commission found YouTube in severe violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). They were collecting data on young children without parental permission and ended up paying a hefty fine. In response, YouTube would implement some drastic changes to children’s content. No comments, no favoriting, and severely reduced income.
Somehow, Chris was not affected by this for Puppet Steve. No idea how he managed to circumvent it. But the channel still carries all the bells & whistles normal channels enjoy. Even though it’s clearly a kid’s channel.

The year would end with Chris screwing over one of his longtime fans. A man named Mike wanted to get the IG DVDs after losing his copies. Getting the first three seasons was easy but getting 4 & 5 took longer. Chris told him he needed to get more DVD-Rs, which Mike understood.
Eventually Season 4 & 5 arrived, but the marathon feature on 4 didn’t work. He contacted Chris who told him “I’ll fix it”.
Mike ordered History of Video Games Volumes 1 & 2 and they also took way too long. He tried contacting Chris but no answer. He put in a fraud notice to PayPal, and Chris quickly shipped them out. Including Pursuit of the Paranormal as a bonus (though he just threw the disc in a HoVG case).
Finding GeekTime, he asked Chris in the comments about Season 4. Chris tells Mike he hasn’t forgotten and is rebuilding the menu.
Then, close to Christmas, Mike ordered a Minecraft playset for his kid off eBay. A few hours later, he got an alert from PayPal that Chris Bores sent him a refund. Confused, Mike thought it was for Season 4. Instead, it was for the playset, and Mike realized the person he tried to buy from was Chris. Infuriated, he sent him a message that he crossed the line and was going to inform me. Chris told him he already gave away the playset and he forgot to remove the auction.

This did inform us that Chris has a side business selling toys on eBay. Specifically, the stuff you see on Puppet Steve.


At the start, something shocking happened.
Over on Puppet Steve, he posted a video looking at some Street Fighter figures and manage to get James Rolfe to voice Ken.
It’s not entirely out of nowhere. Chris was not-so-subtly hinting that things were resolved. Though we wouldn’t see the full realization of this until later.

Another year of ToyFair, getting in just in time before everything went to shit.
I don’t remember much about these. He did look at My Hero Academia toys because “the fans asked”, but a lot of the videos were potato quality and hard to hear.
He did the Top 15 Baby Yoda toys. The Mandolorian was blowing up around this time.

Some craziness over at Facebook. First was a clip from Ghost Adventures that showed a shadow that looks like an alien. It’s incredibly phony. You could almost see the guy in the background moving it. Yet Chris claims this is what his research was talking about. … We’ll get to that.

After that, when E3 was cancelled due to the pandemic, Chris gloated, claiming the show used to be great until GameSpot came in and “took over”. That they pushed out “the little guy” as they realized they could make money. I have no idea what he’s talking about. It makes less sense when you consider GameSpot has been around since 1995.

Chris started making himself something of a pariah in the paranormal community. In a Facebook group, he got salty at someone for not doing a ritual “his way” and ended up getting banned for being a total dick. He couldn’t seem to accept that there’s different methods to ghost cleansing. It is a pseudoscience after all.

On April 23rd, the channel’s 13th anniversary, Chris would announce the return of the Irate Gamer. Not Chris Neo, but the original version. There was some rejoicing.
Announcing that his big comeback would be about Ghostbusters on NES.

It would be a while before the video would go up. Until then, he started yet another channel. The Ghost Doctor, his third attempt at ghost stuff..
The first video was an introduction. The second video caused psychic damage.
Chris stopped caring about his image and spouted a lot of nonsense about a “Woke paranormal pandemic”. Bringing up ideas like lizard people, claiming certain celebrities are Satanists, that you don’t have to believe in Satan to be a Satanist, that aliens are really deformed ghosts (which is what he was referring to in the Ghost Adventures clip), how we no longer have picnics in cemeteries, and so much other craziness. The mask was off.

A few days before the comeback video, Chris held a stream providing an update. It’s about 10 minutes long and answers questions. I didn’t really watch any of these.

The comeback arrived.
Starting up right after the Duck Hunt video, IG explains his absence as “stuck playing Zelda II for four years”. Though he contradicts that with the “Five Years Later” title card from Avengers: Endgame.
But rather than half the population getting wiped out, it’s… angry reviewers. Showing missing posters for retired creators like Armake21, Jedite1, Spoony, UrinatingTree (who switched to sports commentary), PlayItBogart (who now streams as a drag queen) and for some reason Sly Dog Studios (he wasn’t even an angry reviewer). Then an article on how the AVGN went to hunt for them, and a missing poster for the Irate Gamer but it uses the edited picture from Encyclopedia Dramatica where his head is shopped onto an adult baby. An attempt at being self-aware?
It spoke to me that in 2020, Chris was still stuck in 2007.
The reason for picking Ghostbusters is that Ernie Hudson told him to do it. Using the site Cameo, he paid for a video of Hudson and plopped it in. For Hudson you could tell this was just standard procedure as he mentions some of his other non-Ghostbuster roles.

The review portion was a lot of the same stuff, but with more semen jokes. He says the game gave him trauma “20 years ago”, but that would have been 2000. Did he mean 30 years ago? Or did he first play Ghostbusters when the PS2 was about to come out?
Eventually he resorts to Game Genie, and yells at the audience as he mentions the AVGN, having wanted to avoid using Game Genie like him. For some reason he references Shit Pickle.

After that he did a 40-minute stream talking about the next episode.

Then came the trailer for the next episode. It was Dick Tracy on NES. With the AVGN.
All that hinting and winking lead to this. A crossover.
The internet went… “meh”. It wasn’t the big earth-shattering event he thought it would be. The reaction was either “It should have happened years ago” or “Irate Gamer is still around?”
But it also brought a lot of IG fans out of hiding to crow about how they’re friends and that means he’s immune to criticism.

He’d host another stream to talk about the crossover and how it happened. He claims that James is the one to suggest he go back to doing Irate Gamer. Personally, I have my doubts.
Either way, he says they’re friends now. I find that hard to believe since both the Ebegging Spoof and the Opening Up video are still on your channel. The latter especially since you made several baseless claims against James with no evidence.

On July 15th, the crossover arrived. Except it wasn’t really a crossover, it was more a glorified cameo. All that hype, including selling t-shirts, and it was nothing more than a few minutes.

The first six minutes has him talking about the Dick Tracy movie, the merch, a slam towards the Nostalgia Critic for no reason, until finally getting to the game. It’s about what you expect, it’s hard, it’s hard, there was a Genesis version that was so much better, until eventually he gets a call from “the chief” to get him a partner. Said partner being the Nerd. Then an awkward scene of cursing and screaming that ends with Shit Pickle.
Then they challenge each other to see who beats the game first. IG clearly uses Game Genie (but doesn’t say it) and still loses as the AVGN used the “beat a game button” from a previous video. IG declares revenge, but it’s never followed up on.

Afterwards, he would do one more stream. The last one he ever made.
I know one of these streams had some awful Smash Bros takes. He pushes Peter Pepper again, then gets angry that Joker from Persona 5 is in is and claims that Smash Bros should only have characters older than 20 years. By that logic, and using Ultimate as a base, only characters from 1998 or older would be allowed in Chris’ dream Smash roster.

Screenwave’s Justin Silverman would hold an AMA and reveal that the plans for the crossover were much different. It was going to be about American Gladiators, and they would have been in the same room. Ending with the two settling their differences and beating up the fans that kept the feud going. Like everything in 2020, it was cancelled due to COVID. Honestly, I’m glad we didn’t get that version. It sounds really cringy.
Justin did sound upset that the crossover was posted on Chris’ channel and not Cinemassacre.

With newfound popularity, Chris clearly had to take advantage of this. First with a compilation of Season 1 with some commentary.

The real follow-up was a video on Nintendo cereal.

Bringing back I Rate the 80’s, Chris decides the best course following a seemingly impossible crossover was to talk about a discontinued cereal. He really pushes “Breakfast is Ruined”. It was a meme years ago, trying to push it now seems desperate.
He actually takes a bite at one point. No disgusted reaction though. Either the cereal is still good after a few decades, or it wasn’t the Nintendo cereal.
The video ends with a painfully cringy reenactment of the old commercial.

Over on Ghost Doctor, he would post a video where he claims to have heard the ghost of George Floyd. Seriously. Even though he’s in Ohio and Floyd was in Minnesota when he was murdered.

The cereal was a misstep, but surely, he’ll recover with the next vi- It’s TMNT again…
A 20-minute video about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade game. He made sure to emphasize that it was 20 minutes all over his socials.
To make this special, he went to Cameo and paid voice actor Rob Paulsen to record a couple videos for him.
He gushes over the Arcade game and once again talks about the first NES game. He brings up what he calls the “Phantom Menace Effect”, the idea that people convince themselves something is good, and you weren’t allowed to badmouth it, like the Phantom Menace. I don’t think that’s how it happened…
After he finishes talking about the game again, he moves onto the sequel AKA the port of the Arcade game. Where originally Chris claimed “it sucks” from the start, here he acted like he was uber-hyped, and praised the addition of two new levels. Maybe he learned his complaint about them in 2007 was horribly ignorant?
There was a bright spot. He finally acknowledges that Turtles in Time was an Arcade game first. Only took 13 years. Though I wonder if he did the research, or just learned about it when he bought the Arcade1Up machine.

Following that was as video on… Urkel-O’s.
For context, during the Nintendo cereal video, he brings up the existence of Urkel-O’s, a cereal tie-in with the popular sitcom Family Matters. Chris erroneously refers to him as the “I didn’t do it” kid, when his catchphrase was “Did I do that?”
Because several people thought it was a joke, Chris decided to make a video showing it was real. He seemed surprised that they thought it was a joke, like he doesn’t understand that his years of editing in fake moments would somehow backfire.
He replays the joke from the prior cereal video but poorly dubs himself with the correct catchphrase.
He also said the comments wanted him to do a “Family Matters rant”. I don’t think Chris understands what his own channel was at that point.

Another cereal video so soon after the first ended up hurting his channel. Despite the high of the crossover, the views plummeted after that.

He would follow with a video that’s obvious to anyone. Going over how console ports of Arcade
games are often inferior. It was almost 17 minutes long.
The video was about what you’d expect. Poor research (admitting he had no idea Contra was originally an Arcade game), terrible takes, no understanding of console limitations at the time, and of course it was boring.

Ever since Arcade1Up started sending him cabinets for Puppet Steve, Chris has gone deep into Arcade gaming. He set up his basement to look like an old Arcade, and basically got rid of all his current consoles. Even though they’re just as capable of playing the same emulated Arcade titles as these replicas. Much cheaper too.

I suspect he got rid of his current consoles because around this time, Steve was announced for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I feared that Chris was going to be insufferable on the Puppet Steve channel. Make 100 videos all about Smash. But… he never did. He never even brought it up. I know he had a Switch; he made a Puppet Steve video about it. It’s possible he sold it to pay for more of those cabinets.

He follows up the console port video with RoboCop. For the third time. Sort of…
Chris decided to talk about various RoboCop games, and that included recycling clips from his 2011 RoboCop reviews. I don’t just mean the game footage and audio; he recycles sketch footage too. Switching between his rooms, his clothes, his camera quality, and he doesn’t address this at all. He mentions in the description it has a “little bit of old” but the video ignores it.
Interestingly, one part he recycles from the original is done with new footage. Likely due to Eric Allen being the one to say line. Makes me wonder what happened.
Oh, and he paid for a Peter Weller video on Cameo.

Afterwards a video on Punisher games. This was the first video to have help from fans. Chris asked on Facebook to get assistance on videos. Hopefully they were paid.
This one was boring but had lines that showcased they were written by someone else.  Though the constant mispronunciations (LGN, ESREB) raised some eyebrows.

Remember Pursuit of the Paranormal? The big pilot episode that he screened in a small Ohio theater? The whole thing is on YouTube now. Only it’s under the Ghost Doctor banner. He posted it on the main IG channel as well.

He would post two Halloween reviews. The first was on Ghouls n’ Ghosts, the sequel to Ghosts n’ Goblins. It was mostly complaining about how hard it was, how the graphics are better (because it was on Genesis), and incredibly awful jokes. There was also a bit where Chris throws the cartridge, and it hits the fan that helped produce the episode. I’m bringing this up for later.

The second would cover The Simpsons: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror for Game Boy Color. It was an utterly boring video that Chris attempts to spice up with Simposns clips, but to no avail.

Over on Facebook, following the 2020 election, Chris talks about the “lying media” and uses it to bring up the “backroom meetings” he had with YouTube and the gaming industry back in 2011-2012. But he’s too scared to reveal it because he thinks he’ll get killed like the guy that outed Tom Hanks as a pedo (which is based on outdated info).
Just tell us Chris. What horrible secrets did you hear? It’s been 10 years; I doubt it matters now.

He posted a video about some NES book. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then for the final video of the year, he would talk about a Dragon’s Lair replica Arcade cabinet. By the way, this was the new Irate Gamer Neo. Not talking about new games, but overly expensive emulators.


The year started off with a video on the NES launch titles. What would be an interesting video under a better creator was a boring mess with the butchering of Japanese names and incorrect information (he calls Super Mario Bros a launch title when we don’t know when the game came out in North America).

He followed with a Flintstones review, talking about the two NES games. It was mostly an excuse for him to talk about old Hanna-Barbara cartoons.

Then Chris tried to launch another new series over on the Ghost Doctor. He was so confident in this one, he cross-posted it to the Irate Gamer channel. “Pop Culture Paranormal”, a series where he explores media with paranormal aspects. First episode is about The Ring. He says he had to watch it a second time to understand it (how?) and believes the events of the movie can happen in real life. He barely gets into the Japanese mythology of it though, something I feel is important considering the source material is a Japanese book.
This was the only episode.

Then some coffee table books about the NES. He says a friend made them, while also taking the time to toss some bizarre criticism at Pat Contri’s book.

Then a video he was proud of; one he claims calls back to 2008. Godzilla vs Kong. This was the highest viewed video of 2021 as it came out close to the release of the movie.
There’s no actual Godzilla vs Kong game, so he just looked at a bunch of Godzilla games and a couple King Kong ones (there’s not many).
He used a confusing scoring system, grading them for things like “second-hand value”.
Interestingly, he looks at some Japan-only Godzilla games. He doesn’t say much, but they’re there.
He revealed that he has an insane bias against strategy games, calling them a “waste of time” and how you’re always waiting. How a turn takes 10 minutes. That tells me that he didn’t know strategy games have an “End Turn” option and simply sat there picking his nose until the game kicked over to the enemy.
But the ending is likely what Chris meant by “like 2008”. He’s attacked by the Mecha Irate Gamer, a super-jank Mechagodzilla recolor with his face. At least the animator got his weird jaw movement.

More recycled content as Chris once again talks about discontinued Kool-Aid flavors. It was incredibly dull, full of recycled footage from this 2009 Kool-Aid Man review, and a blatantly fake interview with the Kool-Aid Man’s stuntman Tom Anthony. He never published the full interview so I’m calling fake until he shows otherwise.

Remember the Chris Neo videos about Mario and Game Genie? He compiled them all into one 25-minute video, with a dash of new footage.

Then the second (and last) episode of the revamped Irate Gamer Neo, talking about another Arcade cabinet. This one lets you download ROMs on it. He also brings up the yet unreleased game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge. Saying he’ll put the game on the cabinet.

Because 2021 was about “Irate Gamer nostalgia”, he brought back the summer movie list. Claiming the last one was made 11 years prior (he’s wrong, he made one in 2015). Two of the movies ended up not coming out in 2021 (Top Gun Maverick and Mission Impossible 7), and for some reason he mentioned superhero movies that he didn’t put on the list. I guess so people in the comments didn’t ask where they were?

After that was a video about a very unexpected game. Stinger. The English version of the second TwinBee game. Weird enough, this feels like something he DID play as a kid. But the info was still off, and he called it a scandal because a lot of the TwinBee games didn’t come out here. As well as a cartoon, but it was an OVA and clearly not made for TV.

Instead of something new, Chris would post compilations of the first three seasons. Even though he already posted a Season 1 compilation. I have no idea if anything is different between the two.

After those was a video on Gremlins. What should have been a Christmas episode was posted in May.
He covers just about every Gremlins game, including the ones on Commodore 64. Though most of the video was about Gremlins 2.
There’s a horrid bit where he repeats the cartridge throwing gag from Ghouls n’ Ghosts with the fan that helped him. He dodges it, only for the cartridge to hit him twice then go up his ass as he moans in pleasure “daddy cartridge”. Yes, this is real.
Chris does pay for another Cameo, this time from the movie’s lead Zach Galligan. After he finishes talking about Gremlins 2, we get a video of Zach giving his experience with the game. It was the best part of the video, and even Chris’ fans thought so. Most of the comments were about Zach’s testimony.

After three months of nothing, one last Irate Gamer video was posted. Micro Machines.
He contradicts himself about beating the NES game multiple times in the past (later saying he “never beat this level”), randomly references Armake21 for no reason, confuses a Micro Machines PS2 game with Duke Nukem Forever (I have no idea how), and re-enacts the ending of The Breakfast Club to close the video. Because he mentioned it once earlier.
Though the part that really baffled me is that he said he jumped ship from Nintendo to Sega (NES to Genesis). I found this odd because in all the years he’s done his show, he never showcased this. He was always talking about Nintendo, sometimes Atari, he didn’t talk about a Genesis game until the second Power Rangers episode in 2014.

And that’s where things end off.
Next time, the epilogue.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Irate Gamer Timeline Part 6: 2016-2018


Man… 2016 feels so long ago.
He opened the year with Gravity Falls figures. It’s no longer on the channel.

He followed that with a tech review that was bad even by his standards. Disliked to hell. It’s no longer on the channel.

Following that was a review of Lego Dimensions. Surprise surprise, he didn’t beat the game. It’s no longer on the channel.
This would end up being the final episode of Irate Gamer Neo. In a way, it’s a good bookend. He started with The Simpsons Game (he didn’t beat it) and he ended on Lego Dimensions (which features The Simpsons, and he also didn’t beat it).

Around this point, Chris seemed to realize that his Irate Gamer fans did not enjoy his toy content. Can you blame them? They subscribed for video games and you’re not giving them that.
In secret, Chris started another new channel.

Remember when he made that “rebooted” Letter People channel? Since that failed, he figured kids don’t want educational content, but videos about toys. Taking two of the puppets made for the Letter People, he would start his own toy channel. The Marty & Muffin Show.
He would make two videos with this duo, one on Minions Mega Blox (at one point Marty wonders what the Union Jack is) and the other on Gravity Falls.
In the third video, the series would end up getting hijacked by another character. Steve from Minecraft. Introducing Puppet Steve.

Realizing Minecraft was crazy popular, Chris created Puppet Steve (or at least bought him from someone) and the channel would be all about him. Despite the Minecraft theme, he wouldn’t play the game. It’s 99% toys.
He started with Minecraft toys (while also showing he knows nothing about the game), but he also tried throwing ideas at the wall to see what worked. Including a “crazy” review of Zootopia (like his crazy review of Inside Out), a video where he mocks the Enderman, a reaction to the trailer to Sausage Party where he seemingly claims to be a kid?
However, the channel wouldn’t grab much attention, until he found his golden goose. Five Night’s at Freddy’s. Seeing the large number of views his first FNAF video received, he began to push out constant Freddy content. It helped grow his channel far past anything the Irate Gamer ever accomplished.

At one point, he did have his stepdaughter on to talk about girl’s toys as Puppet Alex. But because I said she was a better critic than Chris, he kicked her off the show. *Disclaimer: I do not have any proof of this, just speculation and circumstance*

But the transition to Puppet Steve wasn’t instant, he still put some stuff out on the main channel.
A lot of filler though. Crappy tech, crappy apps, an artbook, supposed Lego Dimensions leaks. All of it is no longer on the channel.

Then came a review of Excitebike. All I remember about this one was a running gag with a drunk Link. It wasn’t funny.

Chris started making some odd changes. Changing of the name of the channel multiple times, from Irategamer to Chris Bores TV to The Irate Gamer.
He deleted a lot of videos (hence why I keep bringing up the missing ones).

He would then promote a bloatware phone app. People REALLY hated that one. It’s no longer on the channel.

Output slowed further as Puppet Steve videos started appearing more and more. With more Skylanders and a Skyrim artbook. It was very dull. It’s no longer on the channel.

Around the end of March, he announced on Facebook that he was “semi-retired”. Complaining that his channel barely saw growth in 2015. I wonder whose fault that was. *looks at Chris’ output* Clearly it’s YouTube.

On April 22nd, Chris would upload a review of Duck Hunt, claiming it was the start of Season 6.
It was a weak video. Less a review and more a tract on how the Dog is annoying. It did not need to be six minutes long.
The video ended with Irate Gamer going into the game and chasing the dog through a multitude of other games. It was pure, unadulterated cringe. It ends with the two arriving in Mortal Kombat and IG uppercutting the dog into the Pit.

And that… was the last Irate Gamer video. For now.
He quickly reversed his stance on Season 6, making this the Season 5 finale. As Puppet Steve began uploading more and more, Chris began to neglect the channel with actual content.

Instead, he looks at more tech, more terrible apps, and started a new series about subscription boxes called Box Wars. He buys a bunch of boxes (like Loot Crate, 1Up Box, etc.), opens them and shows the contents. Where other creators simply use these for sponsorships and opens them at the end of a video, Chris thought “this is the content”. People didn’t like it. Yet he still made multiple Box Wars videos. I guess even Chris realized it was stupid, as they’re no longer on the channel.

More and more filler, until he released a new I Rate the 80’s. It was about Bazooka Joe. A lame video covering something that wasn’t even from the 80’s.
Like Duck Hunt above, this would be the last 80’s video. For now.

More and more filler that’s no longer on the channel. Including a Tennis game that has a busty player for Chris to put in the thumbnail.

Then another app video that was literally a scam. He swiftly removed it, but only to delete the negative comments. Though now, it’s no longer on the channel.

On July 20th, Chris made it official. The Irate Gamer was no more. It wasn’t the first time he announced retirement, but this was likely the one that stuck. For now…

Though that didn’t stop him from posting another tech review. It’s no longer on the channel.

Over the week following the announcement, he revealed some details. The reason for stopping was time & money (money for what?) He considered crowd-funding Season 6, no longer anti-crowdfunding (he never went through with it), and when asked to do Patreon, he refused saying “it’s not for me”. He didn’t elaborate on what that meant.

Despite the “retirement”, Chris still used the channel to sell out. Like a video talking about Soylent, or a video promoting a Wisdom Tree run Kickstarter. Seems rather hypocritical considering the reason the Ebegging Spoof was made. Both videos are no longer on the channel.

This was around the point I learned about Puppet Steve. Part of me does wonder if my discovery is what lead to its exponential growth. Probably not.

It became clear to me that the shilling videos were done to fund the toys for Puppet Steve. Maybe his ghost hunting habit too.

In October, he started posting gaming content again. … On Puppet Steve. Keep in mind that at this point, he didn’t have as many subscribers as Irate Gamer.
First one was gameplay of Lego Diimensions’ Ghostbusters 2016 pack. Best part about this one is that he exposed his PlayStation Network handle and for a brief period of we could see his Trophy status. It revealed quite a few lies about the games he reviewed for Neo. Like how he barely played them or lied about beating them.

He also played Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. Revealing that he can indeed play PC games. He just chose not to for Irate Gamer.
He never beat the game.

Around the end of the year, he changed the name of his channel again to the “CB Network”. Going for an “all-purpose” channel rather than Irate Gamer focused.
He also posted a snippet of Pursuit of the Paranormal. The opening made it clear that Chris wanted this to be a successful reality TV show. It was never picked up.

Rest of the year was shilling videos and Puppet Steve.


This was a dead year. Not much happened.
At least on the Irate Gamer side. Puppet Steve was very active.

He did change the Irate Gamer channel description to outright say he’s retired. No final video, no big goodbye, just some text hidden away in the “About” page.

A little spark of activity appeared in September when he made a Facebook post about Toys R Us going bankrupt, believing that the end of Skylanders is what killed it. Not even remotely close to how that works.

The month after that, a post about Machinima trying to bury him because he didn’t want to join them. Calling them “YouTube’s gaming division”. Chris cannot accept responsibility for his own channel’s failure.

When talking about ghost content he “can’t show”, fans keep asking for more Irate Gamer, but he claims to have no time. He refused to come clean about Puppet Steve, pretending it doesn’t exist. In fact, posting about Steve on his Facebook would result in a deleted comment and blocked account.

He also got super salty when someone posted a picture of his book in a toilet.


I told you 2017 was a dead year.

January started off on a hilarious note as he made an unhinged Facebook post about the Kids Choice Awards promoting the Illuminati. I am not kidding.
All because they showed the Eye of Providence in the background. You know, the one that’s on every US Dollar bill? That was enough for him to ban his family from watching Nickelodeon. Yet he still talked about SpongeBob on Puppet Steve… rules for thee not for me.
All this made me realize how far off the deep end he was. I saw signs of it with his support of Alex Jones, but this really pushed it.

Chris also showed up in a small indie film called “Black Friday”, and unlike Gore Orphanage, his scene wasn’t cut. Though it wasn’t much, he shows up at the very end in front of his greenscreen. He looks out of place compared to the rest of the movie too.

In February, Chris got to go to ToyFair and did coverage… as Puppet Steve. His videos were full of errors. He also tried doing some “live” segments, but his phone is so shitty that they came out poorly.

As March was closing out, Chris dropped one hell of a surprise. He was coming back to the Irate Gamer. Except not quite.
He changed his channel name once again from CB Network to Chris-Tube, and over on Twitter he changed his handle to “Chris Neo”.

Shortly afterward, he would drop a new review. On Sewer Shark for the Sega CD.
And this was no longer the Irate Gamer show, this was the Chris Neo show. What is his obsession with that word?
In the time since, he moved from Sandusky to Toledo, so he was filming in a different location. He also started wearing these neon glasses. What purpose did they serve? *shrugs*

How was this big comeback video? Boring…
Like, way more boring than usual. But it did have some issues. Like claiming this was the first Sega CD game he ever looked at, somehow forgetting that he talked about Power Rangers in 2014.
Otherwise, it was like a real slow Let’s Play with some brief reviewing thrown in.
But hey, he’s back. …  Right?

It did not take long for awfulness to set in as he posted a clickbait video talking about a Sewer Shark Easter Egg. Put the game in a CD player and it plays a creepy message. A guy answers a phone and hears some backwards speak. Play it backwards and he’s just saying, “Number 9”. It’s a Beatles reference.
He claims the hasn’t seen that message anywhere else. That was, of course, a lie, as a simple Google search found a YouTube upload 8 years prior to the video’s posting.

Following that was a look at… mini-Arcade cabinets. Cheap trinkets that play NES ports of Arcade games (rather than the actual one). What makes this worse is that he already talked about these on Puppet Steve, so even here he’s recycling content. If you think Chris Neo would escape the eraser, you are wrong. It’s no longer on the channel.

Afterwards, he would look at a game he’s promised to look at for a looooong time. How long? He brought it up in the comments of his Where’s Waldo video.

Deadly Towers. Claiming multiple times to have played this as a kid and says “30 years” over and over. Otherwise, it’s boring, and he openly cheats to get to the end. He’s also blatantly using an emulator as the footage is far too clean. Despite having the cartridge and the system.

Chris never learned his lesson about false copyright flagging. In 2017, CommonNonsenseMedia produced a video debunking the many claims shown in his big Opening Up video. There were no issues with it, when out of nowhere, Chris decided to take it down for copyright infringement. Not even under a company name, just as “Chris Bores”.
One of Chris’ own fans confronted him, and it was made clear Chris had no idea what he was doing, or at least played ignorant and kept deflecting away.
Thankfully, the video was reinstated and can still be viewed today.

He talked about more mini-Arcade cabinets. Noticing a theme?

Then came the videos that killed Chris Neo. A pair of videos about Mario. The first one has him gushing over the NES trilogy, and attempt to damage control his Mario 2 video (to little success). Then he claims he’s going to “blow our minds” by showing there’s a World 9 only accessible through Game Genie. Except not really, Game Genie alters the existing assets and makes something new. These aren’t secret or hidden.
He posted a follow-up with more Game Genie codes.
Only the first one is still up on the channel.

Chris made a video in response to the ending of Infinity War. A month after it came out and it became common knowledge.
It was a skit where after seeing the movie, he returns home to play Maximum Carnage (as you do) and finds Spider-Man is no longer in the game. Somehow Thanos erased him from games too.
Then he checks other games and finds missing characters all over. Except the Duck Hunt Dog because he never gets tired of hating that dog. It’s so old…

He ignored E3 on “Chris Neo” but made one video over on Puppet Steve about Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It was lazy and poorly researched. Referring to alternate colors as “new characters” and being surprised that female Pikachus exist.

Back on the main channel, more Mario Game Genie… It’s no longer on the channel.

Followed by looking at an Atari artbook. It’s no longer on the channel.

It almost seems like he forgot about the channel, neglecting to post anything for a month.
He did post a rant on Facebook claiming that his site went down not because he forgot to pay the fees, but due to the “paranormal elite” trying to silence him as his views are so controversial. That was an actual claim he made.

Then three months after the last Mario Game Genie video, he posted the finale. He explained his absence as a “summer hiatus” (not an excuse for YouTube). This video is also gone. But there is a reason why most of the Mario Game Genie videos were removed. We’ll get to that in 2021.

The final Chris Neo video, a 13-minute look at Arcade1Up cabinets.
Chris Neo was an absolute failure. But Chris was not discouraged as he would find another route. Next year.

Before the year went out, he posted another conspiracy about YouTube and Machinima. Saying he could “write a book” about all the stuff he’s seen and heard in “the system”. Where is that book Chris? Come on, stop leaving us in suspense.
He also makes some bizarre claims about PewDiePie rejecting Disney and that somehow connects to Felix’s fans attacking a teacher that didn’t like him? Except he didn’t reject Disney, Disney rejected him. For making a video where he paid two guys to write “Death to All Jews”. It’s not that hard to look up.

Next time: 2019 to present

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Irate Gamer Timeline Part 5: 2014-2015

Chris launches the new year with a review of Lego Marvel Superheroes. It was boring. It’s no longer on the channel.

What follows is kind of rough.
January 2014, content creator Justin Carmical, better known as JewWario, took his own life. Creators all over the internet mourned as they saw him as a nice and positive person. When someone asked Chris about it, he said he didn’t know who he was and that by taking his own life, he’s going to suffer in the afterlife. Sounds rude, doesn’t it?
Four years later, it was uncovered that Justin was a sexual predator. Having gone after underage teens at conventions. It painted an awful new picture of the guy and broke the hearts of his friends (except for the people that knew all along like Holly Brown, Rob Walker, Mike Michaud, and some others at the then-imploding Channel Awesome).
However, this does not vindicate Bores. These details were not public, and he still rudely said that Justin is going to suffer in Hell without knowing him. It shows he thinks this way when genuinely good people take their own life.
Years later, Chris claimed he was taken out of context, yet never apologized.

A lull in activity occurred. He did post a vlog in February that the end of the storyline would be two parts. That’s about it

Oh wow, I forgot about this one. Over on his site he posted a picture of a big wave (that’s it, that’s the post) and a user called him out for posting boring content. Rather than delete it, Chris edited it to make him say “this is interesting”. Nobody likes an Orwellian editor, Chris.

A new 80’s video appeared, this one about the General Mills Monster Cereals. Wait, didn’t he already do a video about Fruity Yummy Mummy? Another instance of recycled content.
It was a cringy self-indulgent video. It included a kid version of Bores tasting his own poop (it was related to Frankenberry turning your stool pink), all the mascots showing up in his room, and a bunch of pointless cameos from cartoon characters. By the way, he posted this in February. Months after Halloween. How was this not a Halloween episode?

Rolling into Match, he finally releases the continuation of his storyline. With Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on the Sega Genesis. The very first time he covered a Genesis game. In terms of the review, it was a lot of weak complaints over an average fighting game. One “issue” being that all you do is fight.
I should mention that the video begins with a clip of Jason David Frank saying, “Thank you for watching”. Chris claimed he had to “pull a lot of strings” when really, he likely just paid him to say a greeting. Keep in mind, he doesn’t say Irate Gamer or Chris Bores, or anything related to his channel. It’s almost like he could have taken it from somewhere and pretended he made it.

Now for the story bits, hoo boy…
Following up the end of the last review, the “Sage Elder” takes Chris into the base from Power Rangers where he’s met by Wise Sage, Tony, Ronnie, and Wilson. I am not calling him Wilkins.
In order to stop the giant robot, they must use the Megazord. But it’s only powered by the Irate Gamer’s anger, and he has to review a game to power it up.
After he finishes reviewing, it’s all powered up and they do the roll call. He purposely does it in the wrong order to end on Wilson getting annoyed at being the Pink Ranger.
What follows is an action scene that even the editors at Saban would reject. Splicing the giant HAL-powered robot into Zyuranger footage to make it look like they’re fighting it. It’s painful to look at.
But it runs out of power and the video ends on a cliffhanger. Fans would not have to wait seven months for the conclusion.

Until then, he put out a review of South Park: The Stick of Truth. It was filmed in a different room and used facecam at points. It was also released the same day as the game so clearly it was rushed. It’s no longer on the channel.

Another 80’s video, this time on McDonalds Changeables. They’re basically Transformers but cheap and shaped like McDonalds’ food. Reading my recap, there was a Max Headroom ending?

Then something good happened. Hearing the large amounts of criticism and anger over his constant Skylanders content, Chris made a separate channel dedicated to it. Known as TheSkylanderC. With the main channel free of that plastic, it can get back to what the fans want.

… Until he went back to posting Skylanders content on the IG channel after two weeks. He would blame YouTube claiming that the site was “very different” now and that’s why TheSkylanderC “isn’t working”. He never elaborated on what that meant. Don’t bother searching for the channel, he nuked it from orbit.

In April, the storyline finally came to an end. One last Mighty Morphin Power Rangers game, the one on Sega CD.
The review part was all “It’s too hard and I hate having to play on Hard for the true ending”. That’s it.
As for the story, the Genie shows up to distract the robot while Chris *sighs* plays the game to recharge the power. After that’s done, he summons the Power Sword, no sorry, the “Sword of Inferno” and cuts down the giant robots.

What follows is Chris’ attempt at getting his viewers in the video. A cheering scene where all his fans applaud him. However, because he barely had fans at this point, only like seven people appeared, and only two of them were genuine fans (the others were either his friends at GotGame or known trolls). Granted, Chris demanded that they stand in front of a greenscreen so that really limited his options. The rest of the crowd was either Bores in different costumes, video game sprites, or toys.
As for the Shadow Overlord? He just gets crushed by debris. Irate Gamer never even met the guy.

And that was the storyline. Took three and a half years when someone competent could have done it in one. I’ve received testimonials from former fans that the story arc was where they jumped off. They hated how long it took, and the ending was not worth the wait. I completely understand where they’re coming from.

After even more Skylanders, he announced the Season 4 DVD (Season 4 being the storyline). Titled “The Rise of Red”. Red being the first HAL powered robot. Not sure why he got top billing, he didn’t do anything.
And I know what you’re thinking, he DID include all that Power Rangers footage. Without the permission of Saban Brands. This wasn’t free either, he was selling it. The only reason he didn’t get in trouble is that he’s barely noticeable.
He posted part of the “Making-Of” video on YouTube. It’s still up.

It’s E3 again, and the majority of his E3 2014 videos are gone. Only two left. One is an interview with voice actor Richard Horvitz for his work in Skylanders, and one is a short video showing the empty hall after dark. What’s the point? For some reason, he labeled it as E3 2016. That’s a baffling error.
As for the stuff that was deleted, there was so much Skylanders. Like 12 videos. He also made a lot about Sonic Boom: The Rise of Lyric (now that’s painful). When looking at Hyrule Warriors, he said it’s what he’s wanted out of Zelda (in the past he said it should be more like God of War). He did an interview with an EA rep about Dragon Age Inquisition where he just kept pointing out the obvious, and in the comments, he said he thought the game looked cool and asked to do the interview. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. There were also points where he’d do interviews with his phone instead of a mic.

On the bright side, this was the last E3 he attended. No more painful interviews or obvious questions about series he knows nothing about.

Sometime after E3, he announced that he retired the Irate Gamer. The first of many. But there would still be 80’s and History videos.

Case in point, an 80’s episode about…. Looney Tunes baseball cards? Oh right, that did happen… I remember thinking his skits made him seem super jealous that his friends had the same things he did.

Following that was more Skylanders videos, then his first video about Minecraft. Action figures, not the game. By the way, as of this writing, this is the most recent Irate Gamer video to get a million views. It was posted in 2014.

Chris essentially killed the channel at this point by slowing his output. Seeing only an artbook “review” and Skylanders. Leading to what I can only describe as a “hail mary’.

On October 2nd, Chris posted his longest video to date. A 39 minute tell-all made in response to former-critic-turned-brownnoser TheArchfiend. In it, Chris talks about his YouTube career, how he started, and how nothing was ever his fault. It was either James Rolfe going out of his way to undermine him, or YouTube burying him.
His arguments were flimsy, inaccurate, or even outright slander. Yet somehow, people came out in support of him. I have no idea why as he had zero evidence of any of this. Only thing he did show was a picture of how he was once the 55th most subscribed YouTuber.
Like the Ebegging Spoof, it’s still up. Even with the event that happened in 2020.

With a newly engaged audience, Chris decided the best course was to upload more Pursuit of the Paranormal.
Some ghost videos are still up, one an “EVP” and two others being local news appearances.

Then out of nowhere, after a two-and-a-half-year hiatus, History of Video Games returns. This one about the launch of the Atari 2600. It was boring, full of inaccuracies, and didn’t go very deep. As per usual.

Outside of some more Skylanders and an update video, there was really nothing else to the year.


How does Bores start the year? Strobe lights! A video looking at strobe lights that are meant to react to the actions in a game. What’s the point of these? It’s no longer on the channel.

The next month, more History. Talking about more early Atari games and the rise of Midway. Space Invaders too. Again, I do not remember anything about this.

In March, the world lost brilliant actor Leonard Nimoy. Beloved by millions and forever in our hearts. Chris, having met Nimoy at E3 one year, decided to pay tribute. A kind gesture. … If not for the fact he placed ads on the video. He was profiting off a tribute video. Thankfully, it’s no longer on the channel.

Now, the prior few months, Chris had been talking about appearing in a horror movie and a popular reality show. He would post an update video talking about both.
The horror movie is called Gore Orphanage. Based on an Ohio urban legend about a haunted home.
However, Chris wasn’t in it. Sort of. He shows up in the post-credits scene, but you don’t see his face and he’s in the distance running away. That’s an odd cameo, he even gets listed in the credits. I managed to ask the production company behind the movie, and they told me that they did shoot a scene with him, but the footage was unusable, so they scrapped it. Why they didn’t reshoot it I don’t know. Interesting to note, Chris has never brought up this movie again. Compared to the next paragraph.

The reality show was TruTV’s Hardcore Pawn. He was brought on for his ghost hunting skills. Except I don’t know if that’s true because the episode never aired. The show ended with Season 9 in March 2015. If Chris’ episode was meant for Season 10, then it likely only exists in the Turner Networks archive. That is, if it’s real, and the photo he keeps parading around with him and Les Gold isn’t just a photo op he got when visiting the shop. No idea why he keeps bringing his non-existent appearance up. Does he not realize people can easily fact check?
This video is no longer on the channel.

A big change was going to happen to the channel. He wanted to post three videos a week. From what I could gather, Chris joined a multi-channel network, and it’s possible one of the stipulations was to post regular content.
Meaning 2015 was by far his most active year. But you wouldn’t know that if you looked at his channel, he deleted sooooooo much of what he posted.
Not the first comeback video though. Where it shows the Irate Gamer sitting in front of the old man from the first Zelda.

He would post a video about the DuckTales reboot (it was just announced at the time), mostly about how he’s a big fan of the Don Rosa comics and he should work on the new show. Thankfully that did not happen, or else it would have been cancelled after the first season. It’s no longer on the channel.

Leading into his first review for this return, DuckTales on NES. Wait what?
For “Season 5”, Chris decided the best course of action was to look at beloved classics and bash them for stupid reasons. I do not understand his logic.
The video was nothing but cringe, badly edited sprites, and poor gameplay.

Following that was his first video about amiibo, where he begged his fans to give him extras. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a short St. Patrick’s Day video where a Leprechaun kicks him in the balls. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a Skylanders Trap Team video. It’s no longer on the channel.

Eventually, the return of I Rate the 80’s with an episode on Captain EO. You know, that Michael Jackson movie that was only at Disney parks? Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, written and produced by George Lucas? Anyway, he talks about it. Not much to it.

The DuckTales love isn’t over yet as Chris releases his first Let’s Play. In his big tell-all video, he accused James Rolfe of ripping off PewDiePie when he started doing LP videos. Never mind that Let’s Plays have predated PewDiePie by several years.
Here he plays on Easy mode, then partway through pauses to run off and grab his copy of Mickey Mousecapade for…reasons. Its no longer on the channel.

Next, he tried to launch a new series, “Best of Irate Moments”. It would have shown a moment from one of his videos, and he would talk about it. This one was about a joke from the G.I. Joe video where Flint shows up. The weirdest part is that he says finding pictures of him was tough He does not explain how. He never made a second “Best of Irate Moments”. It kind of felt like he was throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.
It's no longer on the channel.

Then came a pair of Mario Party 10 videos. One about the amiibo and one a “review”. All his Wii U videos going forward would use a camera pointed at his TV to capture footage. Claiming it was “too hard” to capture. Even though he did so in the past.
He ended it claiming the Wii U was for “family experiences only”. Whatever that means… not like it matters now. The Wii U bombed, and the Switch is making money. Both videos are no longer on the channel.

You remember when I mentioned that it was strange that he kept the IG Game video up? At the end of March, he posted a tell-all video talking about it. From how the idea formed to the years of delays and the eventual release just plopping onto the App Store. Followed by its delisting.
He was not clear in what he wanted, asking for an “8-bit game in a 16-bit world”. Communication with them was sparse, only getting updates every three months before just losing contact altogether.

Then they contacted him before the start of “Season 4”, and Chris had a better idea of what he wanted. A four-player beat-em-up like the TMNT Arcade game, using elements from his planned story. However, updates were still slow until eventually they showed him the final product, and it was the 2D sidescroller we got. Chris admitted he was disappointed but allowed them to release it. It was bad, it was taken down, and Chris admits that people told him it looked hastily thrown together. How it mostly used assets from another game, and this is true.

The developers used the game Commander Cool as their basis as they offer assets for a fee, and simply added Irate Gamer elements. Even if it didn’t make sense (like how he has a hang glider).
It's strange that he took this video down but kept the announcement video up. I feel people are owed an explanation on what happened with the game.

He put out a short video talking about his green screen and how he only pays for $3 tablecloths at Target. It’s no longer on the channel.

Next review was Kid Icarus, which he claims is one of his favorite games, yet he spent the video crying about how hard it was, did not do any research into the lore (referring to the Reaper as a woman, referring to Pandora as a man, referring to Palutena as a princess) and showed his “love” by throwing the game onto his garage floor and hitting it with an eggplant. Why hurt it if it’s a good game? *shrugs*

Then a video about a then-new Calvin & Hobbes book. Nothing much to it. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a look at the website LeapTrade. Where you trade in games for points and spend those points to get other people’s games. I tried going there and my ad blocker told me not to go.
Chris mentions in the video that he got The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures from it, claiming he “traded it in a long time ago”. I find that hard to believe. Especially since he’s never been shown to have a GameCube. Not even a broken one just to display for “gamer cred”. It’s no longer on the channel.

Like the last main IG review, he would do an LP of Kid Icarus. He was a bit more active compared to DuckTales, but it still wasn’t good. He brings up how he doesn’t understand why people think he hates the games he talks about (zero self-awareness), brought up KI Uprising, how he played it at E3 and felt it was a “departure” from made the first game ‘iconic”. Except anyone that has played both games can tell you that’s wrong. He also mentioned that after putting out the review, he learned that his childhood friend that introduced him to Kid Icarus died. Yeesh… It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a 27-minute video about amiibo. I didn’t bother with that one. At the end of it he announced new site for amiibo news. It’s more than likely dead so don’t bother finding it. It’s no longer on the channel.

After that was a minute long short with Irate Gamer and Ronnie in Castlevania. That’s it… it’s not on the channel, but I think that’s because it was integrated into a later video.

Clearly desperate for content, Chris made his first LootCrate unboxing video. *shudders* I just remembered something coming later… It’s no longer on the channel.

Then he posted some of the bloopers from the Season 4 DVD. It’s no longer on the channel.

After that, a review of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! This was a painfully long video where he does a nearly two-minute montage, mispronounces names, horrid acting, destroying the game by throwing it against a punching bag, and ending on a pointless Inception reference. It was hard to watch…

He would follow-up the review with a Let’s Play. This one in two parts! He addresses the criticism he got while pretending to play over pre-recorded footage. Claiming the mispronunciations are because “it’s how I said it as a kid”. He also admits Punch-Out is the “perfect type of game” to review because he can nitpick a lot. Basically, revealing he has no clue how to do a proper review. Both parts are no longer on the channel.

Several months after the game came out, Chris finally looked at Super Smash Bros for Wii U. But not the 3DS version, he doesn’t even acknowledge its existence. In a prior video he claimed he would only review it once all the amiibo came out. That did not happen.
The review was poorly edited, with Chris repeating lines, stating the obvious, claiming he showed all the “cool aspects” when he only showed like 5% of what it offers, and spent the end of the video plugging his amiibo site. As this one got nowhere near the same number of views as his Brawl review, it is no longer on the channel.

Then some more Skylanders…. Though this one I should bring up as he misgendered one of the Trap Team Skylanders, Spotlight. Referring to her with male pronouns. The comments called this out, and Chris (using his mom account) said “I was confused because she didn’t have breasts”. She’s a quadrupedal dragon, she’s not meant to have breasts.

Another Wii U review would follow with… Rayman Legneds? Wait, he already did that. For some reason, Chris decided to look at Rayman Legends a second time. Why? Who knows?
It’s no longer on the channel.

After that came a now-deleted update. He said his output would slow down as his stepkids were starting school. Seems reasonable. However, there’s likely a different reason he was slowing down. On May 1st, he started a new channel, but kept it secret from his current audience. What was it? This is going to need some context.

In 1964, teacher Elayne Reiss-Weimann and child coordinator Rita Friedman created a literacy program to help children learn. A series of flash cards featuring anthropomorphic letters that help teach the alphabet. They were named the Letter People. They sold the program to New Dimensions in Education Inc, and they started distributing it around the country.
In 1974, a Letter People television show premiered on PBS. It only lasted two years, but the educational programs would continue in various ways.

Why am I bringing this up? Because that’s what Chris decided to pursue. A “reboot” of the Letter People with his own handmade puppets. Likely due to Bores seeing the immense success of “YouTube Kids”. However, the new Letter People (renamed Alphabet Bunch likely for copyright reasons) did not catch on and only a handful of videos were made. But that wouldn’t be the end of Chris’ puppet adventures. Just wait until 2016.

Back to the Irate Gamer channel, he reviews a board game. *coughs* It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a video recorded in his car where he shows off new amiibo. It’s no longer on the channel.

Oh hey, more History. This one solely about the Magnavox Odyssey 2. It was about as boring you can imagine.

The week after that, he posted a Walking Dead panel he filmed at the MotorCity ComicCon in Detroit. It’s no longer on the channel and if you were interested in an outdated panel, I’m sure there’s way better recordings out there.

Afterwards he showcased the first 5 NES games he owned. Not his favorites, but the first ones. He claims Super Mario Bros was his first, that he was the first on his block to get an NES, and that he hated Mach Rider. Not much to it… It’s no longer on the channel.

Following that was the return of the Summer Movie lists. Though by the time he got to it, the “season” already started. His list included Pixels. I think that says everything. But he also made sure to point out that he excluded Fant4stic from the list because Johnny Storm was black. Utterly shameful… It’s no longer on the channel.

Now we come to… his Splatoon review.
Rather than do a standard Neo episode, he chose to make this a “CRAZY” review. What does that mean? Schizophrenic editing, jumping all over the place, somehow more mugging to the camera than usual. It was an experiment that clearly didn’t work.
The part I remember the most is when he tries to use a Pikachu amiibo in the game and it doesn’t work, so he tells Pikachu to go to Hell, throws it, then growls at the camera with a dumb face. It’s a shame this one is no longer on the channel because you have no idea how bad this was.

Following that he posted a video about the Charlie Charlie challenge. A playground game where kids try to summon a ghost called Charlie. It isn’t any different than Candyman or Bloody Mary. Yet Bores thought it was serious and said it really works. No… and as embarrassing as the video sounds, THIS he decided to keep up.

Bringing us to his review of Spy Hunter, another beloved classic that he’ll bash for no reason.
The conclusion is by far the worst part. He believes there’s an ending and he’ll get to it. Spy Hunter doesn’t end, it’s about points. He figures it out and decides to make up his own ending. The car falls off a cliff and the game ends, and Irate Gamer responds by… throwing the game out the window. Hang on, you’re angry at the ending you made up? Sounds like the modern conservative mindset.
This did not get a Let’s Play. He gave up after Punch-Out.

Next was his review of the 2015 reboot of Poltergeist. This was another attempt at a style change, and this one was horrid. It was like the crazy Splatoon review, but with more jump-cuts and filters. He said it was bad but didn’t elaborate on why. It’s no longer on the channel.

Next was another list, his Top 5 favorite Arcade-to-NES ports. For some reason he put Tetris in it when that’s not an Arcade port. He stated that the NES port of Gauntlet could support four players (it can’t), and for some reason put TMNT II on the list despite bashing it years prior. He did not apologize for his original statements. It’s no longer on the channel.

It’s E3 time, and as I mentioned before, Chris did not go.. He claimed in one of the videos that he was busy with “business dealings” (was he trying to sell his Letter People remake?)
Only two videos were made. One about the toys (Skyalnders, amiibo), and the other was his Top 5 “best in show”.  Not much to say about these. They’re no longer on the channel.

More Skylanders…no longer on the channel.

His top 5 80’s toys that I didn’t bother covering due to how boring it was. It’s no longer on the channel.

A video on Skylanders Superchargers. This one is surprisingly still up.

Followed by a review of Mega Man.
The entire video is “It’s hard it’s hard it’s hard it’s hard”, and then he cheats to show the rest of the game. Using Game Genie or other people’s footage. It also has a “joke” where Mega Man threatens to *sighs* rape Dr. Wily. Why?
At least he didn’t destroy the game.

Some more filler. First a video on Minions Mega Bloks.
When asked why he looked at a Mega Bloks set, Chris responded “because they rock”. Is that a joke? It’s no longer on his channel.

Then another “crazy” movie review, this one for Inside Out. I remember this one being so much worse than the Poltergeist one. The “wackiness” was worse, and the jokes were rancid. It’s no longer on his channel.

Then a tech review for a security system. No not Ring, that was only just getting started. This was *checks notes* Color Video Door Phone. What?
I just remember he did a dumb sketch with his toys. It’s no longer on his channel.

I was informed that at the time, there were Chinese spammers scouring YouTube to find content creators to send shoddy products if they feature them a video. It’s likely that’s what Chris did. If only we knew how bad it would get….

Then a video about how he got the Dark Pit amiibo that doubled as a promo for a site that no longer exists. Cool. It’s no longer on the channel.

That was followed by a “crazy” review of a Lego Minecraft set. It wasn’t as crazy as the other ones but still bad. It ended with him getting blown up a by Creeper, and when he falls over, he doesn’t do it naturally. He uses image rotation and like the Kirby’s Epic Yarn review, he doesn’t have legs. He couldn’t film himself doing a natural fall? You can go see it for yourself, the video is still up.

Then, to celebrate the release of Pixels (seriously), he reviewed Donkey Kong. Rather, all the Donkey Kong games released in the 80’s. The first NES port, Donkey Kong Jr, the obscure Game & Watch Donkey Kong 2, Donkey Kong 3, and Donkey Kong Jr. Math. All I remember is that he claimed to be proud of the ending gag (it was the shoulder angel & devil bit but with two DKs), and that people praised this review just for telling them about Donkey Kong 2. Still boring.

Another Skylanders video, about the characters in Superchargers. That one is still up. Reading my recap, I brought up a comment that said they hope it’s the last Skylanders as they felt Activision was milking it. They were close, it would die with the next game. Bores responded with an ignorant comment on how Activision pulled Guitar Hero “at the right time” and are “testing the waters” again. Not understanding that the death of the rhythm game was essentially self-inflicted by Activision flooding the market with multiple games a year. With Rock Band and some others, there was just too much unsold plastic. As for the “testing”, that was the failed Guitar Hero Live. By this logic, we should have seen a comeback for Skylanders by now. *looks at how Microsoft bought Activision* Don’t count on it.

Then he did an interview with a local radio show about his ghost stuff. This is no longer on the channel.

Followed by a look at a bag that was being crowdfunded. Chris has a very wishy-washy position on crowdfunding. Either it’s a big scam (the Ebegging Spoof), it’s good for education (referring to the return of Reading Rainbow on his blog) or he’s fine with it (this bag).
Anyway, the video is just a few minutes of him pulling stuff out. That’s it. That’s the video.
It’s no longer on the channel.

Some filler with a review of phone chargers. No longer on the channel.

A text review of Batman Arkham Knight… the novelization. Instead of playing the game, he read the book and posted a text review on his site. Why?

Then another video shilling VidFall. No longer on the channel.

But then, he would announce something big. He’s going to be writing a book. About ghosts. … No joke.
He made a video asking for help. I think it was for cover art or something? I don’t remember. The announcement video is no longer on the channel.

Looking at my posts, he flooded his channel with Skylanders content close to the release of Superchargers. Yeesh. All of it is no longer on the channel.

Another History of Video Games, on early Atari 2600 titles. I mostly remember this horrid bit where he pretended to be Superman (in the absolute worst costume) and look through the pixelated Atari Lois Lane’s dress.

A video about a TMNT book. Boring. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then came the announcement that his ghost hunting book is out. It’s titled “Ghost Hunting 2.0”. The 2.0 likely comes from being the “successor” to Grant Wilson’s 2007 book “Ghost Hunting: True Stories of Unexplained Phenomena from The Atlantic Paranormal Society”. Good sign of a big ego.
The video had him saying some laughable stuff. He calls himself a “deep thinker” and believes that his findings could create a new branch of psychology. As well as revealing that one of his main sources for conducting his “work” is the Tibetan Book of the Dead. In actuality, it’s a poorly translated self-help guide.
It’s no longer on the channel. Strange, I figured he would want to keep that one.

Now I’m sure you’re curious, what’s in the book?
Opening to the first page already shows a formatting issue. He indented the first sentence. You do not indent the start of a chapter. When called out, he defended himself with “I did it my way”.
As for the actual content, it is a joke. He tries to claim he’s serious yet references Batman and Scooby-Doo. At one point, he admits to singing the alphabet in front of a crowd to attract, I assume, a ghost, and claims “(his) stupidity paid off”. He admits to using peanut butter baits, despite ghost hunters discrediting that (and that says something). His evidence is either contradictory or non-existent. With various levels of “just trust me, bro”. By the end of it, he outright claims he created a new branch of psychology.

The book came out nearly seven years ago. Last I checked, his findings have not been added to psychological journals. But they were added to TVTropes “So Bad It’s Horrible” page. A high honor indeed.

Next video he looked at some crappy tech products. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a review of the NES title Kung-Fu. At no point does he reference that it’s loosely based on the Jackie Chan film Meals on Wheels, nor mention that it’s a port of an Arcade game.
The video opens with him recycling the prior video where he sits in front of the Old Man from Zelda, and it closes with an “everybody laughs ending” that randomly includes Geoff Mendicino. No idea why he was there.

I noticed that the Amazon reviews of Chris’ book seemed fake. Like a bot generated them. I can’t say for sure, but it was suspicious.

Chris began to “get serious” about his ghost hunting and claimed he was planning to retire from YouTube. This may have been a cover for something he had planned to start in January.

After three weeks of nothing, he posted an update video that was mostly about ghosts. How he went to a convention, met Grant Wilson, and then claimed he isn’t retiring after all. It’s no longer on the channel.

Even though it was November and Halloween was over, he put out a review of Castlevania. At least he promised this back in his Top 5 NES Games.
He claims it was his most requested game. I seriously doubt that.
Remember the short video with IG and Ronnie in Castlevania mentioned above? That’s how the video opens.
This was a weird one. It had a lot of references to then current culture (including a popular song at the time) and did a Scooby-Doo style montage where he “jams out” with Ronnie and Satan. He was strumming on a Guitar Hero guitar. What’s odd is that there’s a photo of him with a real guitar, which makes me wonder why he didn’t use that. Did he get rid of it?
The ending has another cereal reference with him turning Dracula into Count Chocula.

Around Thanksgiving he posted a video on Assassin’s Creed. Rather, an Assassin’s Creed artbook. Play the games? Pfffft.
What was odd about this one is that he opened the video saying it was “review week”. Like he doesn’t always do reviews. Granted, his output had considerably slowed down by this point. It’s no longer on the channel.

On November 20th, 2015, Chris’ Twitter account saw a lot of activity. Ghost Hunting 2.0 was free for Kindle users, so Chris saw it fit to spam as many paranormal writers as he could. I imagine it did not work.

More tech reviews, more Skylanders, even more dislikes from his fans.
Speaking of Skylanders, he briefly returned to TheSkylanderC and posted new content there. But the views were weirdly high in comparison to prior videos. I suspect he took advantage of view-botting, but I can’t prove it. Other than noting how the new videos had much higher views than the old ones.

Out of nowhere, he posted a video on Tales of Zesteria. Most of it was an annoying joke about the protagonist’s name (Sorey). It’s clear he barely touched it, especially when he got Alisha’s name wrong (calling her Ashley). Also saying that the gameplay was inspired by Kingdom Hearts. Never mind that Tales predates Kingdom Hearts by seven years. It’s no longer on the channel.

A scummy video promoting LeapTrade where he tells fans to sign up so HE can get $5 USD. Not the fans, him personally. It’s no longer on the channel.

A video on Star Wars Battlefront. Though it was more of a promotion for VidFall, the site that provided him amiibo in the past. Interesting to note, this is the only time he’s ever talked about a PlayStation 4 game. At least on the Irate Gamer.
It’s no longer on the channel.

Then the final episode of History of Video Games. On Mattel’s Intellivision. He didn’t even make it to the 1983 crash. What a joke of a series.

A board game review hated by his fans. You can tell they were getting tired of the half-assed content. It’s no longer on the channel.

The year would end off with an 18-minute video talking about the four toys-to-life products. Skylanders, Disney Infinity, amiibo, and Lego Dimensions. It was loaded with poor research and terrible takes. I’m amazed this one was left up on the channel.
Funny enough, 2016 was essentially the year toys-to-life died. The last Skylanders came out while Disney and WB announced they were discontinuing Infinity and Dimensions. Nintendo is still releasing amiibo, but not much now.

Next time: 2016-2018

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Irate Gamer Timeline Part 4: 2012-2013


The new year crawls in with another 80’s video. The Bud Bowl ad campaign. A series of Budweiser commercials that showed beer bottles playing during the Superbowl. Not much to say there.

Around this time, Chris flew down to Florida to film the relaunch of Haunted Investigators. Despite the original version failing, he thought it would work this time. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.
While down there, he met with a young fan. The fan filmed the meeting and posted it on his YouTube account. Since he’s ten years older, I wonder how he feels about it now?

Through his mother sock-puppet account, Chris revealed that the contests are rigged. He only selects the most ardent of fans. Glad he doesn’t do these anymore.

Chris tried another new idea. IG Shorts. Skits where he interacts with a game sprite. First one involved a Lakitu.

After over a year, History of Video Games returns. Talking about the Fairchild Channel F. It’s been almost three years and he hasn’t even gotten to the 80’s.

We arrive to the first flag signaling the death of his channel. His Neo review of Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. Though reading through, he didn’t gush over it. Something changed though… What’s weird is that this one is no longer on the channel.

He put out a short video promoting DatBoiDrew’s iOS game Up Up Ubi. I would later learn from Drew himself that Chris only played the trial version, not the full game. You couldn’t even do the whole favor Chris? It’s no longer on the channel.

Shortly after that, a review of Ninja Gaiden III (2012). Despite being a terrible installment derided for its lack of difficulty and content, Chris had nothing but adoration for it. Praising it for being a “mindless button masher”. It would almost feel like he’s trolling us if I didn’t know any better.  
He also made a comment along the lines of “Don’t compare it to something epic like God of War or Gears of War”. Did Chris think Gears of War was similar to God of War? They’re nothing alike. It’s no longer on the channel.

He put out a rant about the Michael Bay produced TMNT movie. I do not remember this at all. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then the second and final “Irate Short”, this one about Boos (the Mario ghost). What’s weird about this is that he re-uploaded it 8 years later. It’s just slightly shorter. He didn’t even delete the first upload.

He posts nothing for a month, then puts out a Men in Black III review. It’s no longer on the channel.

He would continue the storyline in May with Silver Surfer. Interesting thing to note, Chris wanted to do Silver Surfer back in 2008, but stopped because “The Nerd beat him to it”. Except AVGN’s Silver Surfer review was released June 2007. It’s like Chris didn’t know that he posted videos on another site first (those were the days).
The whole video is just Chris whining about how hard the game is. Never going into design failures, graphical failures, or pointing out how other shmups operate.

As for the story bits, he introduces a new character called Johnny Newscaster, guess what he does! The Genie returns but now he’s played by Chris (just like everyone else). When asked about Brad Harp, Chris said he moved away and “couldn’t do it”. He couldn’t get him for a weekend or something?
Leading up to the video, Chris started posting about the “Pixel Demon” all over his social feeds. When asked what that was about, he only responded with “PIXEL DEMON”.
In the episode proper, the Pixel Demon appears in Silver Surfer as he was sealed in a game that was “impossible to beat”, but IG beat it (with Game Genie) and now he’s coming. The Pixel Demon looks like a goblin.
IG uses his “Power of Inferno” to generate a surfboard, goes inside the game, throws a Bob-Omb at the Pixel Demon and leaves. All that build-up for nothing.

What came next wasn’t noticed by many people, but it was still a controversy. A Neo video on Sonic Generations.
He praised the game, said it’s just like the classics. But he claimed that you can’t skip the cutscenes. That’s odd, because I’ve played Sonic Generations and you can skip them. What happened here?
It turns out, Chris didn’t play the game. Rather, he stole footage from YouTube creator Cyberman65. We know this because Cyberman65 places a watermark on all his videos, and it was present on IG’s.
Chris got called out for this, with GotGame attempting damage control by crediting the footage to C65, while Chris (through his mother account) claimed he “sorted it out”. It’s unknown what went down as C65 has never opened up about the incident.
I’d say, “it’s no longer on the channel”, but Chris never put it on YouTube.

E3 happened again. All that remains of his 2012 coverage is a blooper reel.
He harped on Nintendo being “kiddy” after the Wii U reveal, called South Park: The Stick of Truth one of the “worst in show” because he couldn’t get an interview, and a baffling moment where he asked a Sony representative if God of War Ascension would contain “the humor” the series is known for.

After E3, he released a review of Lego Batman 2. Another one I don’t remember. It’s no longer on the channel.

Next… This one is going to require some context.
At the time, James Rolfe had been going through controversy involving crowdfunding campaigns. The first one was his personal IndieGoGo fundraiser for the AVGN movie. His goal was $50k. His fans quickly surpassed it and by the end he got $325k. Some very ill-informed people with substantial followings started making asinine claims. From ignorant takes like “James should pay for the movie out of pocket” or “Filmmaking is not that expensive” (one person even cited the Jackass movies, even though the first movie still cost $5 million before marketing), to outright malicious claims like “James is scamming you, he’s pocketing the money”. There was no evidence to any of that.

It would eventually blow over, but it would flare up again after James agreed to appear in a promotional video for someone else’s Kickstarter campaign. One for a “fixed” version of Cheetahmen II. Despite having zero involvement in the actual project outside of appearing in the promo, and the presence of other content creators like Pat Contri and The Game Chasers, James got all the heat.

Seeing a moment of vulnerability, Chris pounced and released “Ebegging: The Spoof”, an annoyingly smug parody with Chris criticizing the concept of crowdfunding and people that do it are really crooks that just want to take your money. Though most critics called this out, some of them changed their opinion on Bores, calling him “officially cool”.
The weirdest part? It’s still up. Even with a certain event that happened in 2020.

Following that, Chris would release another 80’s video. This one on Colorforms. Barely remember anything about this one. I think he only had one set of Colorforms so he had to pretend he had multiple or something…

Then a rant about The Hunger Games, and how the movie’s camera is terrible. He acted like he was a film expert; claiming he would film it better. He also had an awful clickbait thumbnail that had Jennifer Lawrence on it, but a large banner that reads “Down and Dirty” covering her chest (implying she’s topless). It’s no longer on the channel.

Over on GotGame was a review of Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. I don’t remember much of it, but a later event indicates that he didn’t get far and the footage was likely stolen.
As well as G1 Megatron jokes. Someone at GotGame seemed to really like that inclusion as it’s used in the promo video on their YouTube channel. By the way, the site is still alive.  

Speaking of GotGame, the next video was a sketch Chris made for them. Real Real Gaming. It’s that old joke you’ve seen in cartoons involving video games so realistic that they come out of the TV.
This one prompted a big WTF from viewers when GotGame founder Steve Masters introduced Bores and welcomed him on the show. To which Bores responded “Welcome”. It was a strange moment that I’m surprised they didn’t try to fix.
Video is no longer on the IG channel, but it is on GotGame’s YouTube channel.

If his review of Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure was the knife, his preview video on Skylanders Giants was the hand pushing it into the channel’s heart. A four-and-a-half-minute video showcasing what he knew about the then-upcoming sequel. This got views. A lot of them. It was the main factor that convinced Bores to go into overdrive on Skylanders content.
By the way, I didn’t chronicle every Skylanders video, just a few. There will be a lot of them passed over as he deleted so many of them.

Afterwards, he put out a short video on Dead or Alive 5. It was notable for coming out the same day as the game. However, the video felt unscripted and rushed. Mostly focused on the women in the game. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then a short video on Resident Evil 6 that, like DOA5, came out the same day as the game. Like before, it felt unscripted and rushed. It’s no longer on the channel.

I also uncovered that his contests were still rigged. Not only picking the most loyal fans, but also making them repeat winners.

After another long wait, the next IG review came out. X-Men for NES. This one was annoying as Chris decided to dress up like all six playable characters. No other actors. That included Storm (who received a lot of weirdly misogynistic jokes). At least he didn’t wear blackface…
Not much to say about the review. The game is legit trash, so it was easy to talk about even for him.
As for the story bits, Chris basically turns into a Mary Sue when he has the X-Men cowering in fear after he easily swats Wolverine away. Just for annoying him. Then he uses the “Power of Inferno” to attack Cyclops and shatter Iceman. How is this supposed to be our hero? He’s eviler than his evil twin.

There’s a Skylander unboxing still on the channel.

A trailer for the Haunted Investigators relaunch. Now going by Pursuit of the Paranormal. We’ll get into that when the time comes.

Then came another 80’s video, covering TMNT comics. Didn’t he already do that? No, that was only the Archie line, this is going to cover Mirage. … Then he talks about Archie again. This is a problem Chris will run into much later, re-reviewing media he already talked about without acknowledging the original. Perhaps that’s why he deleted the first TMNT comics video.

Following that was his 300th video. Wow, if getting 200 is a tall order now, 300 is an absolute pipe dream. Unless he does daily Let’s Play videos, but that’s never going to happen.
It’s no longer on his channel.

Then his second Skylanders game review. A six-minute video on Giants. The longest Neo video on a single game. It wasn’t the worst. Surprisingly, it’s no longer on his channel.

Remember how he remastered the first History video? He did it again for the second. Both parts. Only where the first episode had very few changes, this one was far more drastic. It was much shorter and changed some jokes. I have no idea what he was trying to go for with this series.

As the year closed out, Chris would release more Skylanders videos and a new DVD. I Rate the 80’s. I imagine it’s full of illegal copyrighted material.
He also posted a “making of” on the channel that’s still there.


The year opens with the last History remaster. The changes weren’t as drastic, and some were even an improvement. Like getting Al Alcorn’s name right and removing the watermark from his “exclusive footage”.
I guess Chris was proud of all these remasters as the original versions were all taken down, while these new versions are still up.

Oh wow, I forgot he did a video on New Super Mario Bros. 2. That one must have been extra boring. It’s no longer on the channel.

He put out the History of Video Games DVD he promised when he started revising the first three episodes. He calls it the Silver Age because he believes the Golden Age comes after. That is not how that works.  

During an activity lull, a fan on Facebook asks if Sonic Generations would ever go on YouTube. Chris says it won’t and claims “someone put that together while I was at E3.” Who? He never says. It also sounds like a fake excuse as the Sonic Generations video was uploaded before E3 2012.

In celebration of the fifth Die Hard movie, A Good Day to Die Hard, Chris looks at the NES game. Another boring review. Story bits? Here’s the odd part. The next few videos do not feature anything from the storyline. Except for R.O.B. They’re basically just standard IG videos in HD. There was this gag involving Sgt. Powell but he keeps calling him Carl as that was his character on Family Matters. His fans attempted to turn it into a meme but failed.

The next video on the channel is about the characters in Skylanders Swap Force. There were probably others, but I didn’t catalog them.

After that is a new 80’s video about *checks notes* Uncle O’Grimacy? Oh right, the short-lived Grimace variant made to promote Shamrock Shakes. I should mention that Chris is obsessed with McDonaldLand and its characters. He doesn’t bring it up much on the channel, but it’s clear from some of the gags, and being part of a “Bring Back McDonaldLand” group on Facebook.

In celebration of G.I. Joe Retaliation coming to theaters, Chris looks at the first NES game. It’s not really a bad game so Bores just complained about the difficulty.

Bores did an interview with a small channel about Skylanders. However, it seems to have been deleted. But the channel name was “thetitainumdrago”.

A Neo review of Injustice: Gods Among Us, where Bores claims he “took his time”. A weird change since he never does that with Neo. He complained about Wonder Woman’s boobs and that Harley Quinn’s supermove was not as cool as The Flash’s. It’s no longer on the channel.

In celebration of Star Trek: Into Darkness (seeing a pattern?), Chris looks at the 25th Anniversary game released on NES. I remember it being full of annoying jokes and his own OC Starfleet member, Lieutenant Drunkard.

Time for E3 2013, and Chris completely scrubbed this year from the channel. Not even a blooper reel.
Reading through my recaps, I couldn’t really find anything horrendous. Just a lot of boring interviews and uninformed moments. Par for the course.

After finishing up his E3 coverage, Chris unveiled a major overhaul of his website. Turning it into a blog. Would it provide informative thoughts and important news? Nope. Enjoy Chris finding random nerd stuff and gushing on how cool it is. That’s basically 99% of it. He didn’t even give status updates on his videos.
He did post a video announcing the site change, but that’s gone now. In fact, the Irate Gamer website no longer exists. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to get it back.

Nothing but Skylanders and a vlog about Man of Steel since E3…

Eventually, he puts out a new review. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for SNES. By the way, the storyline is back. No idea why it was halted for three videos.
The review itself was just a lot of nitpicking. No actual points.
But why Power Rangers though? Well… this is the beginning of the end for his story.
Shadow Overlord and Evil Gamer unleash their ultimate weapon. A giant robot with HAL controlling it. You probably see where this is going.
Throughout the episode, various characters show up to bother IG. Then it ends with the robot attacking and the monk that gave him the sword back in He-Man shows up to “take him to his friends”. To be continued! In seven months.

About a week after the Power Rangers video, a major surprise dropped. The Irate Gamer Game was real, and it was on iOS.
Released on the App Store as “TIGG”, the game would set you back $4 bucks, or you could play the “Lite” version for free. To put it nicely, it was a garbage fire. Bad controls, very few enemy types, boring levels, the only saving grace was the art in the comic book style cutscenes (which were littered with bad jokes and pointless references).
Did Chris make a video on it? He did… two months after release. We’ll get there.

But first, his review of Disney Infinity. It was boring. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then he talked about Diablo III. There was an Evil Gamer appearance. It’s no longer on the channel.

Then Rayman Legends. Evil Gamer appears again. He also says it’s “good for a kid’s game”. It’s no longer on the channel but keep this video in mind for later.

Almost a year after he posted the trailer, Chris finally talks about Pursuit of the Paranormal. Turns out he was shopping the pilot to various networks, but none of them wanted it. Even saying he emptied his bank account. Instead, he settled for a small theater and premiered it the same day as Pokemon X & Y. Oops.
The DVD would be out shortly after that. When talking about the content, Chris would say over and over that he got a “90-minute conversation” with a ghost. The special is only 53 minutes long. It was also edited like a reality show. It showed me that Chris really wanted to be on TV.

Well, he kind of got to be on TV. Around October he appeared on a local morning news show. Talking about the screening. That’s still up on YouTube.

We have reached the video where he talks about the Irate Gamer Game. He claims the reason it took so long for him to talk about it as that there were still bugs to iron out (except that didn’t happen). For some bizarre reason, he claims the game is just like Angry Birds. Clearly, Chris never played Angry Birds.
What’s weird is that the video is still up on his channel. Two reasons why I find it odd. First, the game no longer exists! It was delisted from the App Store a month after the video went up. He does indicate that in the title saying “(Now Defunct)”, but that only leads into the second reason. A video he made in 2015 talking about the game. I’ll get to that when we get to that year.

He then posted a vlog about the Pursuit of the Paranormal premiere. Claiming it had a great turn-out but doesn’t show any evidence to this. Even doing a contest to give away DVDs.
There’s a moment where there’s applause but it sounds like a stock effect. It’s no longer on the channel.

Over on his site he posted some text reviews. They were poorly written.

His Sonic Lost World vlog. Not review, a vlog. All he did was complain that the game gave him motion sickness. That’s it! Though some people noticed that the copy he was holding was still sealed. Strange… It’s no longer on his channel.

Around this point I found Chris was still plagiarizing others. Though it was on his blog and not on video. Since the site is gone, the evidence vanished too.

The year would end with a Skylanders stop-motion short. It was basically Toy Story without the conflict. The Skylanders come to life when nobody’s looking and go see the new Swap Force toys. The video also features Chris’ stepdaughter, Emmy. I wonder if she remembers doing this. Considering she’s likely a teenager now, I could see her looking back and cringing.

Next time: 2014-2015